The Contract
When you buy a car from a dealer, you will sign a contract. There are various things in this contact, the details of the car, the price paid, the date, etc. There will also be things that the trader puts in, for example in my contact the seller has written,
'Sold as Viewed'
'No warranty (unreadable word) or given'
There may also be small print with regards to the fact that you have agreed the vehicle is of satisfactory condition etc.
Then there is the most important part of the document, which states,
'This document contains the terms of a contract. Sign it only if you wish to be legally bound by them. Nothing herein contained is intended, nor will it affect, a consumers statutory rights under the sale of goods act 1979 or the unfair contract terms 1977.'
The bold section means exactly what it says. That whatever is written into the contract by the seller will not make any difference to your rights under the Sale Of Goods Act 1979.
For example in my contract it states, 'Sold as viewed.'
This means nothing as far as your rights go. The seller may as well have written, 'There's a herd of pink elephants,' because that's basically what 'sold as viewed' means. Nothing.
hi after reading your comments about cars4less in a way i have to agree. i tryed to buy a car from them that was on the internet and when i tryed to ring them it took them nealy 3 hours to pick up the phone then they said they would ring me back guess what no ring back so tryed to ring again and again no one picked up so sent them a e-mail asking about the car and guess what no reply so went back on the web site and the car i was looking at was gone not a trace of it. in my mind i think the car was not there to sell it was just there to get people to look at other cars. As the car for sale was on the cheap side for its age
Anonymous, at 9:45 pm
I wish I had read these comments before I purchased a car from Cars4Less Lincoln Ltd in July 2007. After returning the car for several repairs in October 2007 the front left wheel sheared off. I am still trying to get my money back 8 months later and have tried Money Claim Online but have now been told they have changed their name to Beechwood Cars and I am not sure what to do next as they siad they would sell the car for me but I have had no money returned and it looks like I will have to spend more money by seeing a Solicitir to sort this out once and for all. Unhappy Jo.
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